Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Wishing to be back at the beach.

Afternoon blog buddies.

Another wonderful day at wonderful work. Maybe I should think about moving, moving to the beach. I can't even imagine having that to look forward to every day, I can't imagine something like that getting old.

I know I should start looking for 'my real' career when every day seems to be a bad one. People just amaze me. I've been told some many times by so many people that I'm so wise beyond my years and I just always thought that my feelings and actions were just common since. I am finding out differently.

The company I work for... I guess could be considered young, were still learning and growing. I've been here for two and a half years and almost half of the office staff that was here when I started are now gone. The trend seems to be all the people that have been here since the start are, more or less, running all the newer people out. It's gotten worse as of lately, but anyway that's not what I'm getting at. When I started working here there were two other girls here that were about my age and we started this 'you've worked here to long if... ' like Jeff Foxworthy's 'your a redneck if...' . Oh those were the good old days. I think my work is trying to become more corporate like now.

I have a younger sister, she's just coming into the real world. She's got so much to learn. I can remember thinking 'what else can there really be' or something to the affect of that. Boy is there just so much more. I feel like I was just so much more advanced then she is right now and ... well I feel like I need to shield her from the world or prepare her more. But you can't, most of these thing, life experiences you can't comprehend until your there. I sure try though, I get frustrated a lot of the time because it seems to go in one ear and out the other. What can you do? Just be there when she needs someone.

Well I'll Chaim in a little later today I'm sure. Till then!

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